
24250834_10208476915959120_781835308_oLoreto Community School Milford down through the years has been very proud of their involvement in many different extracurricular activities which have appeal to all students. Loreto community school offers a large range of extracurricular activities within the school including; athletics, basketball, soccer, choir, GAA, rugby vand the wonderful tradition of the school musical to name but a few.


Boys and girls GAA teams have always been very well represented  by Loreto. Teams are entered at all ages in both County and Ulster competitions. Loreto offers all students of all abilities the opportunity to take part many teams have had major success along the way.

24250903_10208476912759040_471440931_oWith Loreto’s U-16 ladies team recently winning their first Ulster championship title and progressing onto the All-Ireland Final. Many of Loreto girls have gone on to win Ulster All-Star awards and had the opportunity to represent the school at a national event. Some of Loreto’s football stars have went on to represent  their county in both Minor and Senior teams. A huge achievement for both the individual and the school.

The boys teams have also enjoyed much success with many of the boys senior teams winning numerous county titles at all age levels. Many of the boys from Loreto have also went on to also play for their county in minor and senior level competitions. Many of these trophies and awards can be seen outside the schools office in the famous trophy cabinet.


Soccer is a very competitive sport within the school and it holds a place in the heart of almost all sport orientatet Loreto students in Milford. Loretos biggest achievement to date would the winning of both the ladies and men All-Ireland finals, bringing both All-Ireland titles back to Milford, a moment which is very special to the school. Many of the boys and girls who were participants in the successful teams have went on to receive International caps for playing for their country at many levels from U-15 all the way up to senior. The school is very proud of all these achievements to date.

School Musicals

Loreto Community School has a strong tradition of bringing many wonderful Musicals to the stage. Down through the years its been a talking point of the county of how fantastic these musicals have been. The tradition of musicals goes as far back as the 1980’s and 1990’s.

In 1981 Loreto held a musical called “Jesus Christ Superstar” in Milford. ‘Annie’, ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘Greece’ were amazing musicals that followed. Loreto always had  large numbers travelling from all over to see their musicals in the ‘convent hall’ as it was previously known as. In more recent years the demand was so high for tickets that they had to move the production to An Grainian theater in Letterkenny to facilitate the large numbers. After the opening of the new school , a new ‘halla ceoil” more commonly known by Loreto students was built which meant the school musicals were able to return home to the school. The most current Musicals were ‘West Side Story’, ‘All Shook Up’, ‘Back to the 80s’ and ‘Thank you for the music’ which just took to the stage a month ago and once again got the whole county talking about the talented bunch of pupils which received exceptional reviews.

See some footage from the rehearsals of their recent show.

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